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Bienvenido N. Santos:

An Illustrated Bibliography


Limited Edition book on Bienvenido N. Santos. Book is originally written by Santos's student. Book includes many photos of rare book and signature signs by Santos.



Preface - A Personal Note

A Bienvenido N. Santos - Major Publications

Section A lists chronologically books to major publications for Bienvenido N. Santos with identifying editions. he numbering system in indicates the edition and printing for each entry. Thus for You Lovely People A 1.a donates that the entry is Santo's first published book (1), the first edition (a).Santos's copies are becoming rare in the out-of-print book. Occasionally some later printings can be found (or even though rare first editions) through available Antiquarian booksellers.

B Contributions to Anthologies, Books, and Audio / Video OF Santos

Section B lists chronologically by contributions to anthologies and books with Bienvenido N. Santos.

C Contributions to Periodicals - Stories, Poems, and Essays

Section C lists chronologically the first publications in newspapers and magazines of work for Bienvenido N. Santos.

It may be impossible to be a complete bibliography for Santos's all poemsand stories by newspapers and magazines. As Leonor Aureus-Briscoe acknowledges in the Foreword for Dwell in the Wilderness, there are necessary documents unavailable and that the condition is is the paper poor with the National Library and the University of the Philippines Library.

D Santosology: Critical Books, Biography, and Manuscripts

Section D lists chronologically by volumes and books by and about Bienvenido N. Santos.

E Articles About Santos in Periodicals (including Critical Analysis & Book Reviews & miscellaneous)

Section E lists chronologically attempts to provide a fairly accomplished secondary bibliography for publications in newspapers and magazines on work for Bienvenido N.Santos.




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