Education in Wisconsin is done.
Arts and Sciences have packed up and run.
Walker laughs with such glee,
“Ain’t it great to be free?”
while police enforce it with a gun.
June 6, 2015

Paul Dickey, Poet, Playwright,
Author of Fiction,
& Political Libericist
(a totally made-up word, of course)
"On starless nights like this, the poetry wants them
dead or alive."
-- from "The Poetry Doesn't Even Know Where They Live."
A new candidate’s come out, you all.
I will call him "the Mister Gin Doll."
It remains to be seen
anyone on the scene
will let dudes from the swamp touch the ball.
Tonight on an Iowa bluff
Bernie said, “Enough is enough!
#1 in education,
not incarceration!
The nation at last up to snuff!”
Some days, it’s hard facing the odds,
what with all the bigoted gods,
who are watching me
and say I’m too poor to be free,
but really they're Republican frauds.
The Donald may not be invited
to the chauvinism he incited.
With all things he has waxed
and the famous he’s axed,
it turns out that he’s quite short-sighted.
It has been a big week for the Court,
and the bigots have come up short.
What are they gonna do
with their hate still to spew
but can’t make an appealable tort?
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