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Education in Wisconsin is done.
Arts and Sciences have packed up and run.
Walker laughs with such glee,
“Ain’t it great to be free?”
while police enforce it with a gun.
June 6, 2015

Paul Dickey, Poet, Playwright,
Author of Fiction,
& Political Libericist
(a totally made-up word, of course)
"On starless nights like this, the poetry wants them
dead or alive."
-- from "The Poetry Doesn't Even Know Where They Live."

Don and Dawn Have Secrets & the Raccoon River
While needing to support a wife and a new baby, it is hard for a serial killer to gain respect from the Des Moines Register newspaper, KCCI-TV, the Chief of Police, even with his wife and his best friend, who happens to be the mayor of the working class burb, Norton City. His wife Dawn doesn’t suspect that someday Don will be famous and she doesn’t want to. She will do anything to believe in the good life for Don and her but she doesn’t always know how. Don doesn’t need your sympathy though. He wants to kill and he is learning to do that quite well, thank you.
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