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Education in Wisconsin is done.
Arts and Sciences have packed up and run.
Walker laughs with such glee,
“Ain’t it great to be free?”
while police enforce it with a gun.
June 6, 2015

Paul Dickey, Poet, Playwright,
Author of Fiction,
& Political Libericist
(a totally made-up word, of course)
"On starless nights like this, the poetry wants them
dead or alive."
-- from "The Poetry Doesn't Even Know Where They Live."

The Good News According to St. Dude
A family of young adults in the late 1960’s/early 1970’s, so-called“hippies,” are disillusioned with society but also become so with their own culture of anti-war and social activism, psychedelic drugs and music, and sexual freedom. Thirty years later, at the turn of a new millennium, they look for psychological, spiritual, and emotional resolution for conflicted memories and feelings of their past and their culture. Was “hippie” just another word for "nothing yet to lose"?
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