Education in Wisconsin is done.
Arts and Sciences have packed up and run.
Walker laughs with such glee,
“Ain’t it great to be free?”
while police enforce it with a gun.
June 6, 2015

Paul Dickey, Poet, Playwright,
Author of Fiction,
& Political Libericist
(a totally made-up word, of course)
"On starless nights like this, the poetry wants them
dead or alive."
-- from "The Poetry Doesn't Even Know Where They Live."

What My Characters Should Have Said ISBN--979-8888312-22-3
Paul Dickey is an American poet, author of prose, philosophy instructor, and playwright who has published several books of poetry and two full-length plays. This volume of "What My Characters Should Have Said" if a collection of prose, short stories, and memoir. Dickey has published fiction (including flash fiction, short plays, creative non-fiction, and poetry in multiple genres, including prose poetry, formal verse-both serious and comic, and free verse. His poetry and flash fiction has appeared over 200 online and print publications.His prose, stories, and memoir has appeared in Potomac Review, failbetter, Memoir (and), The Potomac, Per Contra, Forge, Pinyon Review, The Opiate, Milk Can Review, Amarillo Bay, Chiron Review, Laurel Review, and Plume, among other online and print publications.

The Good News According to St. Dude and other Plays
The Good News According to St. Dude. A family of young adults in the late 1960's/ early 1970's, so-called "hippies," are disillusioned with society but also become so with their own culture of anti-war and social activism, psychedelic drugs and music, and sexual freedom. Thirty years later, at the turn of a new millennium, they look for psychological, spiritual, and emotional resolution for conflicted memories and feelings of their past and their culture Was "hippie" just another word for "nothing yet to lose"?
The Raccoon River. Is this death???
Is There Balm in Gilead. A poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Adapted for the Stage.
The Dream that was Still a Nightmare. Sometimes dreams survive the horrible. Sometimes dreams will always remain haunted. Sometimes a people are strangers within the community. Sometimes a people have strangers within their community. Sometimes all at the same time. The dream that was still a nightmare plays out under the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the aftermath of the holocaust.
Baby, Did You Tell Sadness Goodbye? In a world aware of magic, Jackie wants to buy a home. But the house that is total her is filled with history and sadness. In this confused collage of fairy tales, there is no Cinderella, Snow White, nor especially a Prince Charming. Saint George the Dragon Slayer will have to do.
Don and Dawns Have The Collected Short Plays The Collected Short Plays
Secrets Vol. 1 Vol. II